Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Trash- Covered Beach

              Hi everyanimal! Just to let you know, every day I will be posting a photo I found online with something involving trash in our oceans. Here's our first one!

      Look at this beach COVERED with trash. This is what is happening to our oceans and beaches if we don't bother to recycle. Think about how many animals could be hurt! It also doesn't look very nice, now does it? So, get out there and recycle to save our oceans!
          In another note, I'll probably be doing protests and daily challenges! Actually, I can do a challenge right now! Here goes. I challenge everyanimal to reuse something this week! That could mean instead of throwing away your empty cereal box, why not make it into something new, like a bird feeder? There's so many options on what you could reuse. So what are you waiting for? Let's save our oceans!


  1. Awesome blog! This gets a double thumbs up! c:

    1. Thanks! x3 Once I heard about all this, I wanted to do something about it!


Hi everyone! You want to comment, you say? Go on ahead, feel free! Just follow these simple rules so we keep this all friendly, we don't want anyone to get hurt or mistreated, now do we?
1. No bad words! I think those words are horrible, and are very uneeded!
2. No bullying. Bullying is UNACCEPTABLE. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and kindly. I will not tolerate bullying.
3. No insulting others. I'm not saying you have to love their ideas and such, but if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all please.
4. Nothing else inappropriate is aloud here. Young kids play Animal Jam and shouldn't be exposed to anything of the sort.
5. Treat others the way you want to be treated. This rule is the GOLDEN RULE. Please listen to it.
I don't mean to sound all stern with these rules, but I will not tolerate any kind of this behavior. Ok, I'm done being all stern now. :D Now, go ahead and comment, and remember these very important rules! Bye bye! x3