Monday, May 26, 2014

Farewell, My Friends

 Hi everyanimal. Sadly, I think I'll need to shut this blog down. I haven't posted in forever, and after a while, it will get hard to post since recycling is, well, recycling. A lot of things would most likely repeat itself. So, sadly I think it's best just to leave this blog as a reminder to recycle and save our oceans. 2fangwolf, I know you are an author. If you want, you can keep posting, or leave it the way it is. I may start this blog up again someday, but for now, this shall only be a reminder to save our oceans from destruction. Thank you everyone. Happy jamming everyone, now let's save our oceans!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Recognization and RTSOO Activity

Hi everyanimal! I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. I'd just like to thank 2fangwolf for doing such a wonderful post. I'd also like to make sure everyone knows that RTSOO is just enitials for the blog name. I bet peopelw here like " what in the world does RTSOO mean?!" Ok, here's the main part of this post. Since I've been gone for so long, I'll be holding a little competition. Here's the two things you can choose from:

 1~ A coloring page! Just color it in in any way you'd like and gmail me. Here's my gmail: . No gmail? Then you can comment the URL of your design. Oh, and you can also color it in real life and take a picture! Here's the coloring page:
  I got this coloring page from this link:

2~ A short report on what you think we can do about trash in our oceans. It doesn't have to be really long, just don't give me like two sentences. x3  Either gmail me it or comment it.

Well, there you have it! Just one more thing. No copying anyone's drawings/ reports. How would any of you feel if someone stole your ideas? If anyone tries, I will find out. Ok, I believe that's all! If you have any questions, just comment. Happy jamming, and let's save our oceans!

UPDATE: Agh, sorry guys! I can't believe I forgot to say the competition part. I'll be choosing four people. Two drawings and two reports. One drawing and one report will be first place and be on our first blog banner, and the other drawing and banner will be second place and get an AJ gift! Make sure to tell me your AJ username! If there ends up not being enough entries, I'll figure something out. The competition ends next Friday. Happy jamming, and let's save our oceans!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Injured Seal

Hey guys.
It's really devastating to see nature dying around us. Just think that because you're so careless with garbage, animals may go endangered. Just casually tossing an empty can into a bush can kill an animal.
This seal was severely injured by a plastic ring.
We have to do something about this. We do have full control of how clean environments are. Just taking the time to toss your trash in a garbage bin or dumpster can save lives.
Here is what had to say:

"We have a profound stake in a healthy ocean that is free of trash and marine debris."


Trash Free Seas

Ocean trash ranks as one of the most serious pollution problems of our time. Much more than an eyesore, trash in the water and on the shore affects the health of people, wildlife and economies. For example, trash in the water:
  • injures swimmers and beachgoers;
  • harms wildlife that eats it or get trapped in its mess;
  • drives away tourists—and their wallets; and 
Please take the time to toss your trash!
We can change the world.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Deformed Turtle :C

                                         Hey everyanimal! Here's today's photo!

 This photo is just like the last turtle photo, but I just had to post it! Oh, this photo breaks my heart into pieces! This poor turtle grew with that thing around it, and it got deformed! Poor little guy D: .  This is why we need to keep our trash out of oceans. Do you want things like this to happen to animals because of trash? I hope not! Here's your challenge today: meet up with a friend and go for a walk to search for trash just laying  around, and recycle them. This way that trash won't end up in our waters. Well, that's all for now, happy jamming!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Terrible Trash

    Hi everyanimal! Sorry for being so darn lazy and not posting. I won't do that anymore! Anyway, here's today's picture...

Look at this terrible mess! It makes the ocean look disgusting, doesn't it? And think of all the animals that could get caught in that or even eat it! This is a very gross and terrible sight. We don;t want our oceans to be gross, we want them to be pretty and wonderful! Here's today's challenge: make a little, simple poster ( or large, whatever you'd like) and hang it maybe on a pole on your property, or maybe a tree in front of your house. It's agreat way to spread the word, whether one to many people see it! Happy jamming everyone!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Trash Eating :(

        Hey everyanimal! Well, here's today's photo. It's not as heart breaking as the other ones. The past two broke my heart! :* (

     Ok, this one is still pretty sad. :(   Seagulls are eating trash since they think it's food! The poor little guys! IF they eat too much they can kill themselves! :(      This is another reason we need to stop throwing trash anywhere and everywhere. It effects the wildlife greatly. So, here's my challenge for you today: if you see someone throwing trash on the ground, tell them what it can do and ask them to recycle it. If they don't just recycle it for them. It may not be yours, but you're doing it for our environment and our animals. So let's get out there and save our oceans!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ring around the Seal's Neck :* (

                Howdy do everyanimal! Are we ready for today's photo? Ok, here goes!

             This poor seal got some sort of plastic thing stuck around its neck, and it's beached! Poor thing. This is like yesterday's photo, if we carelessly throw our trash on the ground outside or leave it to go to landfills, this can easily happen when that crud gets into our oceans. This picture truly breaks my heart, doesn't it break yours? Then let's get recycling and picking up trash! My challenge for you today: spread the word about how horrible it is that trash is in our oceans, and that we need to stop it from happening. Tell at least two people. If we work together and spread the word, we can save our oceans!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Plastic Wrapped Turtle

             Hi everyanimal! Sorry for the somewhat late post, I would've done it this morning but it slipped my mind! Anywho, here's today's photo.

            This poor little turtle probably got that stuck on him as a baby, and he just grew with that thing on him! Poor turtle! This is one of the tons of things that can happen if plastic and other trash gets in our oceans. Are we going to do something about it? We sure are! Here's my challenge for you today: do you see a piece of trash on the ground? Pick it up and recycle it! Actually, I challenge you to pick up at least three pieces of trash you find on the ground and recycle it. So what are we waiting for? Let's save our oceans!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Trash- Covered Beach

              Hi everyanimal! Just to let you know, every day I will be posting a photo I found online with something involving trash in our oceans. Here's our first one!

      Look at this beach COVERED with trash. This is what is happening to our oceans and beaches if we don't bother to recycle. Think about how many animals could be hurt! It also doesn't look very nice, now does it? So, get out there and recycle to save our oceans!
          In another note, I'll probably be doing protests and daily challenges! Actually, I can do a challenge right now! Here goes. I challenge everyanimal to reuse something this week! That could mean instead of throwing away your empty cereal box, why not make it into something new, like a bird feeder? There's so many options on what you could reuse. So what are you waiting for? Let's save our oceans!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Recycling Movement

            Hi everyanimal! I decided to make a movement. You see, landfills and other things get tons of trash in our oceans! It's simply horrible. It pollutes the water and hurts the animals. Animals actually EAT that trash since they think it's food! We need to spread the word about recycling our trash instead of throwing it somewhere or throwing it away to go to landfills. We could also clean up our trash around our area! We can take a stand against throwing trash into our oceans!